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WOW Gnolls and Thanksgiving kinda took over November.. though I'm sure for some that wasn't really a problem lol.
Now I usually have a theme to do each month but yeah there were a few things I still wanted to do last month so their gunna but trickling into December so... Dinocember Part 2 LOL

But I did wanna give yall a heads up that I may do some D&D stuff cuz originally it was supposed to be D&Dcember but with Christmas coming-WHO KNOWS. If I did find time it would most likely be a Third post but we'll see. but at least you guys would have some Nerdy stuff to look forward to.

I feel like it would be pointless to add this too a art post cuz its not that big of a deal BUT I did end up changing Titus's colors like I said.

I replaced the "toy" green with his old green he had before. Changed the hue of the tan on his muzzle to be more green. I feel this is a better approach but You guys tell me how you feel about it in the comments!



I like the faded color better. Makes him look older if thats what you're going for.


I like the faded color a bit more.


Like I said, I liked the old version and I liked also the new version you showed in the previous post, so this one looking like a combination both makes me like it even more. I still can see the Titus I have seen these last months and so this design shows he has "evolved" (funny word for a dino) and I love it a lot. So glad you made this change of colors.


It allow a not that much heavy change in his design and colour, I think it suits him well :D Also yes for more Dinocember 💙