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But alright after the Gnoll Stream I did last Saturday, it only seems logical that I would do a Dino Stream for this month as well. I wanna keep up the pattern of Saturdays so - 

This Saturday 21st  on 9 p.m. EST for the Dino Stream

ALSO Since we have some New Folks here lately I did wanna mention that I updated my profile a tad and made some edits to the Tier descriptions. Those of you who've been around here long enough know that I tend to only make 2 paid posts per month, but it slipped my mind that the tier's say its $ per Weekly Update, which isn't that case. I wanted to clear that up for ya.

Also removed the mention of the comic "Chance Called Memory" in the profile and replaced it with the mention of a new Reward in the future. The comic isn't DEAD but my interests have switched over to something that would probably be more enjoyable for  folks.

But Alright! thats kinda it for now. But stay tuned this Week cuz I have more Gnoll stuff to reveal for yall, but I'll see you guys then or during the stream.


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