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Like what the title says...I've been thinking Long and hard about this. I know this is moreso for the $10 pledgers but i felt like telling everyone incase someone was interested in switching over an what not. But yeah, I'm gunna be removing the Comic Tier, which would remove my Chance Called Memory comic. If you've noticed i haven't posted a new page and just been doing my own thing for the past 2 months and theres a reason for it.

 BUUUUUUT let me lay down some origin stories before I dive into my current um...decision? 

When i first thought of making comics was back in 2017 when i came up with a outline of a story about B and... it was essentially a autobiography and what i thinking of and drawing were like... echos of what I was actually going through AT THE TIME. and during that time I wasn't really in the best mindset and drawing was my only outlet and naturally I wanted to share my feelings in artform.. just.. this time in a comic.

Its now.. 2020.. and... the person who wrote and drew this story isn't.. really around. what I'm saying is that I'm a much healthier person now than mentally who I was when i wrote it and everytime I look at the outline, the Script, and thumbnails sketches of the comic I... just feel Bad.. like.. not depressed but like... I'm happy with it.. and if I'm not happy with it then I feel YOU guys are not happy with it. Arguable, some of you would say its fine but for me It just doesn't sit right with me, especially if im charging for it. Its hard to properly convey what I'm feeling but I'm sure some of you understand.

Now, am I stopping the comic completely? NOPE I'm just gunna put it on hold, rewrite it, redraw previous pages ( incase you noticed the style I use in the comic is totally different than how it is now, another reason why I wanna remake it) Another thing I also wanted to do is proper plan out and map out my comics. when I first started I.. honestly didn't know what i was doing and ended with a process that would take me a full week to complete and even then I would barely make the deadline... other words.. I'm a Noob.. and I need to Get Good...

So what am I gunna do now? WELL after seeing the recent polls its clear you guys are ok with seeing other "Series" from me so I'll be injecting my story telling urges through those since... yeah naturally i wanna tell new things once in a while. As of late I've been leaning towards doing some story driven stuff with Titus and seeing where that goes. Hopefully this wouldn't be a huge downer for some of you but i just felt like i owe you guys an explanation before i just do it.

I'll be removing the Tier Before i make my first paid post so yall dont have to worry about being charged or anything but i do recommend just switching to just the $5 tier. Now would this hurt me financially .....eeeeYES BUUUUUT.... the extra time I have not working on the comic I can spend making more content for you guys so it works out anyway. That or commission openings but we'll see.

And if you made it this far in the post then I'll say THANK YOU for giving this a read and understanding my choice here!




It makes me really happy to hear you are in a much better headspace. You deserve all the happiness this world can offer. Thank you for letting all of us know!


That's no problem! You do you dude! (Also im too lazy to switch tiers so.... Enjoy that lol)

Hr. Seehund

I'm glad to know you're in a better place now, you can definitely see it your work; more smiles and whatnot. I can't wait to see your new idea for the comic, it's going to be great!