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Not a huge surprise that this post for this month is gunna be Dino related... truly not a surprise...BUT....I'm sure you guys would appreciate these nonetheless. 

now for this I gotta explain cuz not all of you might not follow this person but me and  Piti Yindee   had a chat about Combining our T.rexes cuz I instantly fell in love with his so i tried to make something in the same vein as his Dinovember drawings hes been doing all month. granted I don't have all the brushes he has so I couldn't mirror the style exactly but i gave it a good shot i think lol.

OK so technically he ISN'T a Dino BUUUUUUUUUT Queso  did draw my Triceratops so it only felt fair to Draw him a lil something in return.. plus he might as well be a dino. his dragon doesn't even have wings and he has thunder thighs ...

Speaking my Triceratops... he leaking lol. its been a while since i draw Nose bleeding.. even in a toony sense but... with the month's ALTERNATE Nick name you could say hes like.. EASILY triggered this month lol. ALSO... his colors... notice anything different? 



Scotch P

I saw the word "Thicc" and I IMMEDIATELY came crashing in. These are some rad thicc ass guys tho! Love how ya treated Queso's oc too! Always a treat to see that cool ass colorful dragon of his


Yes! I love that comic book style you can produce! Looks super nice!

Hr. Seehund

With all reptile love,​ you might as well become a herpetologist.


lol maybe not. im not a huge fan of frogs and like.. some lizards. paleontologist is probably the closest thing as cliche as it sounds


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