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SO... in honor of HALLOWEEN ( and I've been waiting for a bit to post this) But i wanted to do a Stephen King Special kind of post considering this year has been filled with Stephen king Film Adaptations. So .. Strap in so I can nerd all over your face with some movie facts!

So if you ever watched Stanley Kubrick's Shining, then you may recognize this shot and naturally... I slipped B in there cuz.. bear suit. But Originally in the Novel it was a Dog suit with a whole backstory about it but in the film they changed it to a Bear.. for.. some reason.. theres speculation as to why that is. A lot of it could have been Stanley trying to distance himself away from the novel or...a subtle troll at Stephen but either way... still a interesting shot. ALSO.. are yall looking forward to " Dr. Sleep" which is like.. a Shining sequel?

OK now this was kind of itchy but wasn't sure how to put it together..especially since i haven't drawn "Adrian" in like.. a year or 2? But this was basically a stab at Pet Sematary Remake, which I only saw like.. on the plane ride back to Washington lol. I DUNNO! when it comes to Pet Sematary I was never really freaked out  about it. I was more scared the Wife's Side story about her twisted up ill sister. BUT I'll give the remake props on changing some stuff up and making the burial scenes more unsettling with the Wendigo sounds but thats kinda it.  

Now this one should be kinda obvious LOL. with IT: Chapter 2 released a couple months ago i couldn't stop thinking about it. Its really subjective if its better than the first one or  not BUT... I tried to hold back a bit on this. after watching it 3 times I had the idea of Drawing the iconic clown but... I... didn't know how to translate it.. then I thought.. Circus Animals....OH.. Lions... * Surprised Pikachu Face* And it... Surprisingly WORKS!? cuz the mane works well as the hair and.. BIG TEETH would make sense. And I wanted to do more here BUT I thought i should wait when the super cut of It Chapter 2 is released. Which is like...MEGA LONG. The original film is already long but apparently the director wants to combine both the first and second film together and add ALL the deleted footage and make a 6 hour long movie...which I'm like.. SUPER DOWN FOR!

But alrighty guys thats all I got for ya for now. Hope ya guys have a FUN HALLOWEEN tomorrow.
also a reminder to never invite me to a movie night cuz nothing would get done lol.




Love it!

Hr. Seehund

I adore all these King references. And what a nice surprise seeing Adrian again. I'm really hoping Dr. Sleep is good.


some reviews i've seen say its pretty good! but try yer best to just see it as its own movie and not a Straight up Shining Sequel