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Alrighty Guys.. SO... I ran into a pickle...or several pickles. Since I kinda derailed my initial posting plans for Septermber for popping my cork so early with Dinos ( I don't... really regret it tho) SOOO the Fate of what you guys see in October is up to you cuz.. I know if I can't settle on an Idea of my own I would have to default to.. More Dinos.

Good thing for you guys I DO have a wide range of selections to choose from since I had sketches and some completed things that I was SUPPOSED to post THIS month so you guys get a chance to see different themes for the next the posts.


Since its gunna be October, you guys know me that I dip my hands in the SPOOKY like.. PRETTY often so I already had a few pics and ideas ready to be fire up for it. I'll promise not to got too far out with em...by that I mean 1 pint of blood. But I feel you guys might like these pics though.


So heres the the thing... a lot of aspects of my life have changed dramatically since the summer ( still trying to recover from summer) SO I did have a few things lined up from making a NEW updated Reference sheet for B and just showing off his new looks and designs. It's been awhile since I actually focused on  him and it would be nice to get those official changes out of the way.

MORE Dinos 

OK so this... isn't a total surprise Haha, but I did have plans for " Titus ". Indirectly through commissions I've been drawing Titus in a resort type setting and some of you guys have seen that setting on here and me and a friend have been mulling over and wanna like.. Actually expand on that. So basically  a slice of life type drawings with Titus being dumb in a luxurious, tropical place. I dunno.. I saw some potential there. 


Now.. some drawings I've done don't really have set themes BUT they do involves some friends and lots of inside jokes that seem too good be kept between just 2 people. SO.. lots of Cameos! you get to see me draw Different types of characters. This choice totally has VARIETY to it so its more so a Mixed Nuts situation.  

So yeah those are your choices guys. I thought to go a head and ask before September Ends so I can get organized and line everything up, but the final results will be settled on the first of October so you all have some time to choose. So yeah done be afraid to leave some comments. I would love to hear what you guys think and such. 


Hr. Seehund

I'd all these ideas, but I can never say no to more B. B is best boy.