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ERF ok.. Hopefully I'm not Overloading you guys, last Post before the comic which i still need time on so Yall can have some time to breath... literally .. have a lil "vacation" lol. Originally this post wasn't gunna have a theme.. just a post of mixed nuts BUT it eventually developed it anyway and like..Why not? its Summer and I think its the perfect post to celebrate that. 

Some of you probably already saw a Version of this on Tagg's Twitter  where I'm starting a saga of Titus and Taggs  living it up on an Island for vacation; So by nature i just had to make an Alt since it perfect for it. 

Taggs havin a chat with a tourist  on a "clothing optional" beach, getting asked some intimate questions but it all boiled down to a simple Fact...though I should have switched his shoes with Sandals but ...not like its the main focus. Poor Titus back there though...Skinny dipping at the beach is a no go.

Night finally falls and Titus finds a hot spring to finally chillax in until he meets Another Rex (Diesel) that saw a chance to spark a conversation, Titus doesn't normally mind a chat BUT with the warm water and the other Rex's Aussie accent it kinda triggered more than just Titus's tail to poke out the water and hes just hoping the other rex doesn't notice.
The poor Rex just craving some Solo time in the water...

Morning Rises and so does the Rex as he hikes out to find a pleasant place to Dip. After some time he finally finds the perfect place at the base of a small waterfall. Absolutely the most fitting place for him to get in tune and enjoy himself without other's eyes. 

I had A LOT of fun with this one cuz i kinda mixed Procreate and Clip Studio but i painted the waterfall itself in Pro and I'm kinda happy with it. 

Overall this was kinda just a big Character piece for Titus since I don't get many chances to do stuff that expresses his personality. In this you can kinda tell that he...doesn't mind company but he requires or.. Enjoys being alone more often. A very solitary guy but finds enjoyment in it. more opportunities to do stuff like this. Also hes got a thing for Water. hes a HEAVY dude and enjoys the feeling of actually floating and feeling lighter and dipping his whoel body in warm water...makes his body react..thats all i'll say lol

But yeah Guys thats about it.. only 1 more post to end the month... prematurely early  but Keep yer eyes open later in the month. I may make a poll  later on so. Butyeah i hope you guys enjoyed the Dino overdose!



Scotch P

I hope Diesel noticed, for Titus' sake if anything for later...👀💦 And the background on that last one does look really good! But also, keep em coming, man! I always love seeing yer posts!


Rexs butt does it for me. Really love the background too, very vibrant. 👌💖


Be still my loins. 💦

Dorenrab Sildano

Can really relate to Titus there. Gotta have that alone time.


That waterfall pic looks freakin’ gorgeous. Titus still his sexy scaly self