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Couldn't think of a Youtubery title but oh well...you'll see what I mean in a bit. But yeah I wanted to make 1 more post with some lingering stuff from the Streams I've done this month to really Cap off the month of May....basicly some Stream Dumps BUT.. cherishable stream dumps cuz this is the most I've streamed since 2016  so coming out of the wood work with it was something special and i plan on doing more in the future so yall can get more.....cursed content like this >

Most of yall should know that I stream with TairuPANdA often so this was.. one of many results... art is based on reality and.. reality got weird REAL QUICK

i forgot how this happened...I think someone suggested in the chat as a joke but... knowing me...well... I dunno...

This was off of the recent stream I did and this.. Is.. probably the best I can get with B? Possible final Form? He fully embraced the goatee at this point and body type wise.... why change it.. Sure hes not ROUND as he used to but I gotta keep him the Bear physique.everything about him is iconic enough I think I'm sure in another year I may change something.. who knows. I've worked this pile of dough long enough.

Another thing from the Recent Stream was that Tuler conjured up a New OC... a... Youtuber Raccoon. I guess more things are in the works for this guy but the possibilities are endless but we'll see what the Panda comes up with. Although 1 idea was...

Muckbangs ...I dont even remember how it even came up but.. it did and I started sketching this during the stream... ya know what.. I was committed.  But yeah you guys should either check out Tuler for a status updates on this 'guy' or just.. chill and wait if you already did check him out lol. Cuz I'll be Conjuring up my own thing in this coming month so keep yer eyes peeled.

But yeah thats is for right now.. I got the comic page  coming up next and that will be it for this month but if yer not pledged to that then I'll see yall Soon next month. 




This some good shit right here




Niice, this was a pleasant surprise during this crappy shift. Inspiring work as usual!

Hr. Seehund

That beard is a demon. Or a symbiote. Or a parasite. Either way it's freaky and I love it. I love it all, great job dude!👍

Dorenrab Sildano

I want to feed that beard creature. And I want to ruffle yours.