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Not really Cinematic but ...movie ish....stuff? I dunno what the proper term for it is honestly lol.
But yeah i just wanted to do 1 more post that has a bit more variety but I also had some extra Wips on the side...along with some more inside jokes.. cuz thats how I primarily function...

Right so this Yall might have seen once in a while on Twitter but its an inside joke of ChiBear is my son.. only catch is that Im his mom.... I dunno if I could add ANYmore context to that lol a lot of it is just being weird and funny 

Ok so this is what I meant by cinematics. like giving some drawings this Wide angle that makes it more focused in. I've only done it a few times but i wanna pic it up again for some stuff. 

This is all my patreon has boiled down to.. Bears, Dinos and.. more bears at this point lol. I was sketching out some commission concepts for someone and i was just... brainstorming and thought of that Raptor scene from Jurassic world and.. yeah.. ANYWAY



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