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RIGHT.. First Post of July! kinda wish had a something for the 4th but eh. Maybe next time. anyway if the title hasn't given it away you can probably guess whats in this post LOL. but i'll start with some furred stuff first.

Morbid.. Yes.. but if yall been around it ain't nothin new Haha.. But REALLY I wanted to try something different and experiment with like "Manga pattern" features in ClipStudio Pant.. well not manga but like the half tone dots for comics. and uh.... Not a big fan but can't knock it till you try it. It certain Adds SOMETHING to the image but I just need to find the right way to use it I think.

I'm sure he looks familiar to some of you guys. I drew him once before based off someone I knew but since then me and Him became good friends before the move But GOD.. I miss him though. Like apart from my dog ,he'll be the only thing I miss from my home town. So I had to draw something for him. We would always chill at his work which is World Market which is just full of imported goods so i never leave empty handed but just seeing him was worth the trip.

And of course...Some Dino stuff... T-rex stuff to be exact. It might be my prime focus for a bit. I would like to draw Different species of Dinos later but right now i got the biggest Boner for T-rexes....get it.. Boner.. cuz.. fossils....
ANYWAY... when it came to Dinos I Usually draw them as.. well feral dinos.  I haven't really Personified them before so these were actually excises. Wasn't sure what kind of T-rex to go for like.. something toony or somthing Jurassic Park-ish... tried to blend both and weirdly enough I ended up liking the TINY doodle at the bottom right and used that as a template foooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-

Boom.. the Stompy Boi.. or.. er.. Stompy Dad... kinda had the idea of a Dino Dad for a while actually But due to recent events (Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom) It gave me enough motivation to go for it. I rarely ever do like.. Scaly stuff so not drawing fur was interesting lol but still had to add extra details. I liked the idea of like a BIG T-rex dad with Big arms BUT.. tiny hands...gotta keep the continuity some where. Also liked the idea of him working in the garage  in his PJs to be a thing.. dunno why.. I'm hopeless.
I dont really have a Name for him but if you guys wanna throw some ideas my way you're Free to. You'll be seeing him often after all. 



Dorenrab Sildano

I think that grin is my favorite expression. Grins are best when you have a lot of mouth to make em with