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Yeah first of all sorry Guys. I dunno what to really do with the pausing but hopefully this would be the last time i would have to do this anyway. Like i paused as soon as i could today but apparently people still got charged. and according to some the mass refund i did didnt even work...I dunno if its because i paused it and it didnt work or just.. something went wrong.. I dunno... its just.. weird to me. Im gunna try to refund individually IF  you want me to. I already refunded a couple people personally but i only have so much in my paypal and im not entirely trusting patreon's refund system but we can try. So  if you want your refund for May or April, message me and i'll see what I can do. Or you can just leave it as a donation but its your choice.. you can can speak out if you need to.

As for June its my moving month but im going to try to at least get a post or 2 out there before i go. so like.. June will be Unpaused. and lets hope it stays that way. and i'll most likely will be changing my payment type to Per Post. just so I can avoid things like this down the road. most likely after June I'll switched to that when i know i'll be in a better working envoirnment.

But yeah guys sorry for all this. There are a lot of things being a pain in the butt lately but I'm trying. 



I probably would have just given the money to you in Kofi anyways, so this just made it easier hahahaha, good luck to you in the move! Wishing you the best!


It’s alright big guy. You take your time to readjust to your new place and get back on track. You got this 😊


I want you to keep my pledge money (from these last two months) as a donation. I hope it helps you ^_^