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Well... Things are wrapping up and I would just hate to just end the month and a quiet note.. especially with the New Year knocking on the door. SO lucky I managed to get a few things done during the holiday and I might as well share with y'all while I can. 

MMMMM character designs..... its been.. a while. and the best feeling i get when i do these is when I get some Freedom. put my staple in it an all. BUT I hope this comes to be useful to whoever TanukiDad wants to commission next. 

Course theres a Kiddo... gotta have the Kiddo lol. Also I like how im SLOWLY getting better at drawing kids. 

Now I didn't post this on Twitter but the person i did it for did BUUUUT I thought I should show ya guys anyway. No Kind of foot wear can contain them Paws..

ANYWAY thats it for THIS post. If you're pledged to the other reward then I'll see ya'll in a sec BUT if only pledged for this then yeah I'll see you guys on the next update. Take care.




Seing the tanuki guy and the hyena in one single post is awesome. I like both designs and you make them look very cool.