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Right so its been a LONG time since I posted But I got some stuff I wanna dump on ya guys till i get some other updates ready for you. A lot of these are like remnants from me before being sick and after so you can imagine how feverish theyr'e gunna me lol. Music 

This is such a different style of drawing I've ever done.... I don't.. usually do pink BUT... it fits the mood i suppose. this was back when i was still coping with some personal stuff and lucky i found a song that kinda helped me through that....somewhat... what can I say I'm emo in heart. 

PROBABLY the last time i'll do a drawing based off music but HEY this was the most free-ing  one I've done. But yeah also helped with the coping and all the story kinda just writes its self huh. ANYWAY heres another link too my gross taste in music. Music 

RIGHT... now... post Sick Pics heh... so... Funny little thing about.. ME when I get sick or when my Sinus wanna get angry and full...they bleed...from my Teeth. I shit you not its so weird. Like my sinuses sit right on top of my teeth so whenever they get all full the pressure cause from it is agonizing my like.. I'll taste blood in my mouth and would lick around my upper teeth and realize that the blood... some how drains from my gums or whatever.. Its so weird but its always been a thing since my teens so I never questioned it. so yeah I dunno. this was just a dumb doodle on like... what if I yanks these suckers out and get instant relief lol....this is so gross

OK so those of you who know me well should know i have a Vigorous,.. Leaky,......Eager, ...Swollen, Pulsating Bone for Horror Games...or just Horror stuff in general. So a Friend of mine was recently getting into this game called Evil Within since the second one got released a few months back. So I've been helping him out with it since I'm a disgusting pro at it and for my Birthday he drew B all dressed up as the main character and i was like "HNNNG... I need to Draw it now"...so here ya go... heh..

RIght so... thats it for right now... art wise. I got a Wordy update for you guys in a Second but also wanna let ya know the comic page will be up tomorrow if nothing pops up so ya got that to look forward to. 




What a way to describe your love for horror stuff. Still rocks.

Hr. Seehund

B sure does look sharp in a striped vest and tie. Nice work dude.


I could certainly comment on all of them, but my favorite is the tooth pulling. The description of plucking out the tooth and instantly relieving pressure just sounds SO SATISFYING.


If only it actually was haha pretty sure I’d be in more agony if I did lol.


B's expressions look awesome as always (specially the severed head and with the bleeding teeth). And he looks very good with those clothes on the last pic.