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NOoooo its not a post about Air ventilation or AC ....though I wouldn't mind that right now.. its Steaming right now lol. 

But uh.. for those of you who stuck with me all these years should know that I have a nack for drawing some STRONG visual vent art.... those of you who aren't familiar with my vent art....uh. hahah they can get pretty uh....i dunno.. hard to swallow? BUT.. I promise I  won't make this a habit.
Just lately I've been going through a lot of personal things but thankfully I'm not a total emotional wreck that i was able to do some art work to get it all out.... I kinda surprised myself this time around and really dug in.


Now for this..uh...I dunno how to approach describing this since when I had the idea I was high off of cold medicine lol. But its suppose to be a decomposing bear being processed into a Mecha Bear......Dead stray MechaBear? I DUNNO it seemed like a interesting idea at the time but i was in a Bio Mechanical mood. And low key... kinda like drawing this kind of stuff.. the Bio Mech concept I mean not the.. re-animating dead bear carcasses. who knows I might make a Robo bear later on. At least I can get away with a lot of anatomy  stuff that way.

Perfect Organism 

Right so uh SPEAKING OF BIO MECHANICAL.. hahah.. so yeah its been what... 2 years since I've drawn Fan art of ALIEN but I was in the mood after the mech bear... well.. that and i had a movie marathon with some friends and watched the whole Alien series so I thought, why not. It helped out a bit and squeezed out any interest I had left on the subject. But I'm super proud of how it came out though.

Cat Got your Tongue

So yeah this is more so my Standard level of Vent art. I have a tendency to do a lot of.. uh oral harm? But at least in this case it actually makes sense. I guess it can be seen in different ways. Up to interpretation. I'm not gunna go into too much detail.

ANYWAY... uh.. yeah... I'm gunna have another post to cleanse you pallet from this one....unless yer actually into this stuff. but.. eh.. I put alot of energy into these so it would be a waste not to show these ya know.  But anyway i'll see yall in the next update.




Violence. Discipline in the face of pain. I am most intrigued.