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Okay this one was requested a long time ago, especially the movie version. 

Edit: Fixed the problem with the suit not displaying the head.

Edit2: Fixed the weight mapping issue with the fingers.




When you load the suit o to the G8 Male the head disappears. I understand that because of the helmet. What If I wanted to show my figure's face while wearing the suit? How do I make the head re-appear again?


The claws are distorted when you pose his hands. I've had this issue with your spider-man outfits as well. When you try to do a superhero pose, the suit has weird distortions. I suggest that before you release new outfits that you put them in extreme poses to see that they do.


Thank you for your feedback. I usually just look that the outfitmesh doesn't explode and if there is any pocking. I will try it better next time :)


Thanks for fixing the head issue so fast. Working on a photo series with it now.