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The big survey I did was interesting. Saya is first in the poll ! For a new character I'm pretty happy!

So it will be her who will be the manga for March. In second place: Celestia, whom I call the mascot now~. She's also my waifu in my heart!

In third place: Reina and Mona. And it's been a long time since I did Reina! I think I've mapped out my roadmap for the month of March to May, I think. very interesting!

And also from March I think a bit more illustrations. I want to change a bit from the usual manga creation because I want to do something else too~.

I also have unfinished illustrations that need to be finished! They've been gathering dust for 1 year now.

My illustrations will focus on trivial things like shoes burst or tf mini scenes or stuff I'll find interesting. It's a bit of a change from my usual routine, as I've done a lot of manga since I've been on this community.

 Ho , also the first sketches of chapter 5 of Mona's Curse will be available around the 10th of the month! Fischl's costume is really nice but quite complicated...Ha always a challenge.
