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Chiori is finally the big winner! I've been conceptualizing the T-rex shape for a long time without trying too hard. Now it's a done deal.

After Furina, I'll start by creating her T-rex shape. Probably with a few improvements.

I'll have to think about how to reduce the level of detail in Chiori's costume. Because the characters' costumes are pretty hard to reproduce. I'll find a way.

To tell you how I feel, I'm a bit fed up with werewolves at the moment. I secretly wanted lizards and my wish came true. I'm more than motivated now! Haha it's the year of the dragon too, I want to do bold things.

Thanks for voting~



Glad to hear Chiori won you seemed super pumped about her before and that's usually a good sign. And don't be afraid to make an executive choice, if your still tired of werewolves after this I don't think we would mind if you worked on saya.


Yes ! Thanks ! I'm very motivated to produce more lizard TFs at the moment! As you said, I think that afterward I would do Saya. (☆ω☆)


I’m interested to see what you come up with for Chiori’s T. Rex form. A lot of dinosaur TF is cartoonish or monstrous, not always sexy! But I believe in you!


Haha, normally I plan something scary. But I think it'll turn out sexy knowing me~