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Hola everyone!

Hope all enjoyed the Halloween's special for this year, since catching up from last year's adventures with Dracula's daughter Mavis, the young goth is turned from a squashed pancake into a massively swollen hourglass balloon! 

Mavis Dracula, the young vampiress, who initially tried to escape under the castle's dangerous and full-of-traps catacombs, and after she got vertically squashed into a gothy pancake with hands and feet sticking out by one of those stoney traps after a massive pillar landed on top of her, her faithful bat-pets, Buffy, Snooty and Cosmo are now on full restoration mode as the feathery mice start to peel Mavis off of her socket on the floor before they shove a hose in her mouth and they start pumping her back to normal!

And as usually, with everyone obviously knowing too well that 'normal' inflation after a flattening is NEVER actually normal, the sexy young vampiress starts to cartoonishly - and in very weird shapes and sizes - pop back to normal, body part after body part, before she becomes a shortened over-inflated parody of her former self and before she ends up as thickened up hourglass-shaped balloon that hovers mid-corridor by a trio of pumping bats that do not know when (or CARE) to even stop pumping!

Next Weekend :

"Angry Hands!" time everyone!!!

November will be starting with a very special and long awaited 'Angry Hands!' entry, featuring MK3 Sonya Blade as she will go through a series of flattenings, , squashings, deformations and inflations through air-displacements and lots more cartoonish shennanigans as Kerri Hoskins, the blonde actress dressed up as Sonya, is about to be put through a series of ridiculously cartoonish tests!

More info on this upcoming 'Angry Hands!' entry that will feature MK3's Sonya Blade, is coming up by mid-week as usually!

Cheers to all and a happy Halloween!



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