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Hey Everyone!

A double upload weekend has arrived, full of flattening shenanigans, one involving two women in a double morph and one involving a summer-dressed cutie in a mini sequence! 

1. Wheel Of Misfortune! (Commission!)

In a single double morph and an extended story, both Trudy (a young blonde) and Agatha (a mature blonde) co-hostesses of the famous 'Wheel Of Fortune' TV show, are flattened against the game's lettering board during a live-show when one very strong contestant sends the actual Wheel of the show to eject and fly off of its place before landing over the pair of blondes, squashing them both into thick pancakes!

2. Sonia Through The Wringer! (Commission!)

Rubber girl Sonia, not long after being restored from her precious compressive mishap, is chosen to go feet-first through the wringer of a magic show, the machine flattening her till she ends up as a floppy rubbery piece of compressed woman in a summery black and white checkered dress and a pair of low top chucks, and before she is about to be rolled away from the magic stage!


Next Weekend :

Another commission is about to be worked and a bunch (4) of separate morphs and stories are about to be presented, all involving around hot gals (some celebrities) as they are given the ol' inflation/ expansion treatment - hoses involved or not - and as they will all get to swell to some massive 3B(Boobs,Butts, Bellies) sizes! 

More info on the round of upcoming morphs for next weekend, will be posted by mid-week as usually!

Cheers to all,




3B is definitely one of my favorite inflation styles next to hourglass, so looking forward to seeing which lucky ladies get the treatment this week