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No matter how charming a helium tank may be, no matter how shinny, how hypnotizing it's smooth metallic surface, no matter how fast one wants to reach out and explore its twists and valves, and now matter how perfect that whole package with the lengthy hose hanging off of its side may look.... one should ALWAYS mind their stepping in their haste to get near it, especially if its just standing there all unattended by the edge of some random downtown pavement, but most of all especially if there's a fat banana peel laying just a few feet away from it, a peel just waiting to be stepped on before the unbalanced cartoonish course that will lead to some pneumatic excess, begins!!!

And that is exactly what is about to happen to René, a hot young dude dressed in some athletic clothes while listening to his favorite music on his earbuds, as that exact attraction to the helium tank will have him stepping on the banana peel, only for him to slide and fall mouth-first on the hanging hose to its side, the helium tank twisting fully open at the same time as the guy will start inflating and expanding with gas right down on the pavement, his belly and curves becoming rounder and more massive at a rapid pace before he becomes fully ROUND and ballooney, and floats off and away into the open skies above the city center!!!

So, a male full body inflation comic (from a commission) with some really goofy poses and lotsa of boy-loonishly and puffed up man-curves, is coming up by this weekend!!!

Stay tuned everyone.....



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