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Shock was delivered worldwide after the image of an overly curvyfied french Police-woman made it to the news last year, before becoming viral due to how THICC that woman was, let alone inspiring several artists (including me) to mess around with our trading tools into making her even curvier!!!

And here comes Judith....

Judith is a gamer and a live-streamer, a hot young gal with a massive following due to her cuteness but with her body being flatter than a board she always displays increased envy towards other more well-endowed women, and once that Police-woman image appears on her screen and her jealousy hits the reds instantly, Judith realizes she just needs to summon her best inner focus and just think about her body being as big and thick as that woman's, for it to actually happen while in mid-stream!!!

The thing is, Judith not only expands into a massive hourglass parody once she starts filling up with that unseen fluidy force her inner thinking evoked, but she continues on expanding and inflating, rounding out to an impossibly bloated size before she ends up as big as half her streaming room, and with the live-crowds going berserk and her rate of expansion showing no signs of stopping anytime soon, Judith finds herself full of regrets and wishing she would é been more careful in what she wished for....

So, expanding live-streamer Judith's adventures (a commissioned comic) are coming up by this weekend, with an extra blueberry variant ending too!!!

Stay tuned everyone....



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