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Brett's Blueberry Munchies!

Commissioned Work.

Release Date : May 6, 2023.




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Brett's Blueberry Munchies!


"Is that candy...? Fucking CANDY?!?"

Brett yelled to himself, his eyes going wide at the large bowl full of blue goodness that was resting upon the kitchen counter, the afternoon light caressing it in such a seductive manner that Brett almost started drooling over the sight, his breathing getting heavier by the second....

He took a step closer in hesitation, before the restraining thoughts took over and the man started balancing the situation....

He just got home from his daily gym routine. He had just spent the last couple of hours pumping iron bars and dumbbells, his buff structure all swelled up and sweaty with every muscle of his upper body still throbbing due to the excessive but still usual workout the gym-obsessed man had once more undergone, his goal to not let anything get in the way of him becoming the strongest and buffiest man alive - at least in his little world - still preserved with punctuality and devotion, his diet consisting of pure protein and muscle nutrition without anything every tempting him to throw off that sacred balance....

Anything besides..... candy, that is....

"Oh, it's blueberry...."

The man growled between his teeth as he took one more step towards the bowl, every muscle on his body tensing up at the tempting sight, his eyes still wide as he adjusted his backwards-turned-blue-hat awkwardly trying to avert his eyes from this temptation, especially after realizing it was his favorite flavor too. Brett then calmed down and walked over to the bowl, taking a better look inside. It was filled up with candy, filled up to the brim. A small ocean of round, soft and squishy blueberry candies were now laying just beyond his grasp, the man still gritting his teeth in torturous restraint....

"Dunno who you are...."

Brett said to whomever happened to leave that thing there all unattended and most likely on purpose to throw the buff man's diet off....

"But i swear to god, i' m gonna choke you to death...."

He continued, his anger rising towards the secret saboteur, his demeanor changing the more he felt he was loosing the battle and he instinctively felt his hand reaching out to the bowl, his fingers grabbing the top candy out of the pile, its soft surface bulging around Brett's fingertips as he lifted it up near his drooling face....

"One.... just one.... only one...."

He promised to himself in torturous agony as he could no longer hold back, the candy reaching his bearded face slowly before he stuffed the blueberry candy into his mouth...


The strong man moaned like a little kid, his face twisting in the orgasmic wave of juicy pleasure that hit his tongue, the texture and flavor of the candy sending shock-waves of delight across his senses as he could fill the blueberry juice filling up every crevice of his mouth, his stained fingertips quickly reaching out once more towards the bowl...

"Ok, fuck this..."

Brett spatted before letting all hell break loose, his mind literally blanking out of every restraint and his meaty palms sinking deep into the candy bowl, grabbing handfuls of blueberry candy before he started shoving one after the other into his mouth and down his throat, the man chewing and swallowing like there was no tomorrow...

"This is so... GOOD!!! MPghh..."

He growled between chomps as he kept devouring the candy without a care in world, his palms now fully stained and candy juice leaking out the corner of his lips. Brett was in heaven, the blue-dressed walking muscle of a nerdy man was lost in ecstatic glee as he kept munching away at the candy with determination, one after the other, the one palm emptying just in time for the other palm to dig deep into the bowl and come up with yet another fresh portion of candy, as he had lost track of time and sense of placement due to how blissful this whole experience was...

"What the....?!?"

He suddenly stopped chewing, his eyes going crossed and wide as they both focused in the discolored part of his face between them, his nose now having turned fully blue and a wave of blue discoloring extending out from its tip out to the rest of his face in rapid pace as at the same time he started feeling a bloating sensation building up from his belly and slowly extending upwards to the rest of his tank-top covered torso, the man lifting up his arm in confusion only for the second shock to greet him...


Brett screamed in shock as what he through was the dye from the candy soaking over his fingers was now a full discoloration of his hands, his palms having fully turned blue as the color kept extending upwards to his forearms and elbows rapidly, but before he could even process that, his belly and upper chest both shot out into a massively swollen gut and a pair of swollen manboobs with a loud...


Echoed in the kitchen, as Brett was now sporting a massively extended ball for a belly, a gut that resembled a beach ball in size and on top of that, two boobs - the pecs of them being the size of dinner plates - were now resting as he suddenly felt the tank top getting incredibly tight and stretched over his upper parts and a weird sloshing noise was increasingly gaining volume from his insides, like he was filling up with something liquid and dense, something that kept filling him up like a rapidly blue-turning man balloon...

"What the hell did i just eat?!? HELP!!!"

The man yelled in distress as one by one now all his body parts started fattening up and swelling into thick and bulgy sizes, his muscly arms turning into swollen cones thick like tree trunks, his belly tripling in size as it kept hanging lower and lower over his impossibly stretched tank top, his chest swelling up into a pair of hairy balloons that protruded up his front like a pair of drum tight spheres, while the his thighs started thickening up as well, his buttocks joining in the expansive pandemonium as a huge ass was now quickly inflating behind his back, the man quickly dropping the remaining candies he was holding as he started waving his arms up and down in panic, the blue re-colorization of his whole body now so advanced that his upper body was fully turned blue and only a few patches of normal colored skin remained all over him, those patches soon to be blue as well the bigger they kept getting...


Brett's clothes started ripping, the blueberry mass of a man started growing too big for such small articles to contain him, with his sweatpants being the first to go and as they started becoming tatters a massive pair of blue - briefs contained - buttocks made their way out in the open behind him, his legs now fully blue and resembling massive thick pillars of swollen meat and muscle despite their roundness, with his upper buttocks bulging out the top of his impossibly stretched out and soon to shred apart sweatpants waist, his massive blob of a belly now hanging down to his knees as a massive blue mass nearly the size of a weather balloon. with a pair of huge moobs on top...


The blue faced bearded Brett started screaming only for his face to fill out with juice as his cheeks puffed out and he started gurgling and spitting juice out of his panicked mouth, the sloshing noises now deep and continuous as the man kept getting rounder and heavier, a massive blue blob of leaking juice that kept widening and fattening out while his pants and top were now fully shredded and were limply hanging like tattered rags from his massively inflated blueberry form...


The wide-eyed blueberry man kept groaning and protesting from atop the massive blueberry mass being his upper body parts and globular torso, all his limbs now resembling domes of utter fatness, huge comically swollen juice-filled masses, that along-side his exercise-ball-sized leaking manboobs and a midsection that could put an entire SUV into shame, Brett had now completely filled the kitchen corner with his new shape, a massively juice-flated blueberry of a man that occupied more that the one third of the whole kitchen with a sloshy mess leaking out of each of his holes and puddling beneath him into a gooey mess, while he kept flapping his immobile extremities in utter helplessness...


Brett moaned, but none was there to help him, the soft evening sun now caressing his massively swollen sides as his back kept bumping on the now tiny looking double door fridge, his body still swelling and filling up with blueberry juice from those cursed candies, his previously shredded buff form now nothing but a massive round blue blob of blue that could not move but instead could only keep getting rounder and bigger with each passing second...



