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In A Sea Of Juice.

Commissioned Work.

Release Date : March 4, 2023.


Full Sized Original Morph : ----> HERE!

Movie Poster Version Morph : ----> HERE!

* The poster is fictional, please don't start asking where one can see the movie!


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In A Sea Of Juice.

Fictional Movie Synopsis :

Set in the 1800's Northern Britain, this adventure takes place somewhere on the rocky shores of Cornwall, as deep inside a sea-side cave beneath Adelaide's cliff hanging cottage, the young brunette discovers a shinny silver pendant, buried under layers of salty sand, in her efforts to take shelter from an incoming sea-storm. Adelaide then becomes charmed by the glowing artifact, not paying attention to the blue ceramic berry decorating its center, and as the woman puts in on around her naked neck, the berry begins to emit an otherworldly shine as a weird transformation begins to take place. Adelaide suddenly feels bloated, with what seems to apparently be blue thick JUICE filling up her mouth, and as her cheeks expand in her efforts to contain all that juice from spilling out, her whole body begins to expand as her skin turns fully BLUE at the same time!

Follow Adelaide in her expanding adventures inside the watery cave, as the woman's body expands and extends out in curvaceous extremes of widths and fatness, her breasts, buttocks and belly filling up to monstrous and leaking proportions as a huge pool of juice is staining the cave's waters around her before the entire cave's water becomes deep blue, and Adelaide fills that same cave with nothing but the excess of her own gigantically swollen and blueberry juice-bloated curves!



