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In a massive-scaled event of colossal proportions, this flaming deep-space boulder is seconds away from reaching its destination, meaning Cheeky's planetary surface, as the redhead has now reached such dimensions and widths, that not only none had ever dared in reaching before, but she inflated herself to such a ridiculous solar-system-dominating size - more than thrice the size of the earth, that she could not have even dreamt of achieving!

This will be a collision of unprecedented force, of powers so raw and primordial that even in front of such a massively surfaced shock-absorbing pillow like Cheeky, and by the extinction-event scale energy that is about to be released, that the only thing certain is that Cheeky is about to be hit with such ferocity that her vastly expanded body will deform to some epic, air-displacement-generated new shapes...

Will her three-times-the-earth inflated body be enough for this? 

Will Cheeky be able to absorb the shock of the comet and eject that damn threat back to the depths of space from where it came from?

The 4th and final part of the planetary-scaled body inflation comic called 'Shock-Absorbing Cheeky', where my most inflato-trained redhead will be put to the final test of proving herself humanity's savior, is coming up by this weekend!

Stay tuned everyone...



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