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Greetings Everyone!

Good news, my arm(s) are way better! Treatments and good rest worked like a charm and i will be cautiously getting back to morphing first thing Monday morning!

As by this weekly pause, the Angry Hands' monthly comic lost its turn, it's time to start a new FSDTRW comic and it will be none other than the Aunt Marge's dinner inflation scene, specifically with Marge being replaced by a sexier, younger version of her with hopefully some extra 'interesting' poses added too!

My apologies once more for this weekly absense. 

The planning for this FSDTRW comic will begin shortly and by mid-week i will be letting you all know on details of its progress so we can see the first page of this scene in its completion by the next weekend!

Cheers to all, more updates will soon follow!



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