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Julia The Beach Ball, Part 3 Of 3.

Release Date : April 9, 2022.


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Julia The Beach Ball, Part 3 Of 3.


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3 


Blair's heavy boots echoed on the stage as the woman walked back in on the scene, holding a bucket full of thick glue and a paint roller, leaving both items nearby before heading back to her cartoonishly head-swollen friend, that was now fully freed from under the glass panel and laid there all flattened but with a head the massive size of a blimp...

"Damn that's a big ball... Should have pulled the hose out of you, just a couple of minutes earlier..."


Blair said with a smirk, right before grabbing the ponytail on top of Julia's now truly humongous balloon head and lifting the massive thing up from the stage floor, the entirety of her neck-down flattened form dangling and flapping around like crazy beneath the airy mound, Julia's tattooed limbs and compressed body parts all bending and waving in weird manners as her two-dimensional body was laid backwards before Blair reached out to the front part of Julia's head, where the rubber hose was still stuffed between her pillow sized red lips and grabbed the thing before pulling out with a loud...

* POP!!! *

* fffffffffffssssssssssss... * --MPHMPHPH?!? MHPHPMPHPHHHHPHPHHH?!?" 

The airhead brunette started moaning and screaming in angry protest, as what she hoped to be a release of all that air out of her head with the hose now being pulled out, proved - rather much to her unpleasant surprise - to be a trap of the air inside of it instead, given how massively swollen her lips where, and given it only took some mere fragments of a second for her mouth-hole to seal shut and prevent any air from ever coming out...

"Oh, you thought you were going to deflate, didn't ya girl? Heh... Not until big boy Tommy gets to have his fun with you tho... And judging by the size of that stupid head of yours, he is in for a... BIG surprise, heh..."

Blair whispered right by Julia's oversized ear, as the poor girl's head was making Blair look really tiny next to her in size comparison. Julia's bulging eyeballs where now at least twice the size of her multicolored haired torturer own head, her massive cheeks each extending out to beach ball sized domes that kept bumping against Blair's form, covering the whole height of the girl's neck down to her knees, and just before balloon-headed Julia could even utter another muffled complaint, Blair dropped Julia's overinflated head back down on the ground with a loud...


Then the woman walked back near the glue bucket and picked up the paint roller, dipping it inside before getting down to work...

"Time to make you all sticky, Julia!"


The woman said before splattering glue all over the back of Julia's flattened form that extended beneath the massive bulk of her inflated head backwards, each splat applying generous amounts of thick glue all over the poor brunette's compressed body parts,  the paint roller in Blair's hands going forth and back all over Julia's flattened surface, finding each and every crevice, making sure that the entirety of the girl's backside was all covered for good before dropping the roller to the side and walking up to the front of Julia's huge inflated head...

"Packaging is everything you know, and i 'll make sure Tommy's giant beach ball has some extra decoration on top of all this cartoonish goofiness  of your swollen face, Julia! Time to wrap you up, girl!"

Blair said with a smile, before pushing Julia's balloon head over her glued back, the rounded orb of a head rolling backwards as the woman's flattened back attached perfectly to the back of Julia's massive head, her ponytail falling in the gap right between her thighs before the woman started neatly placing Julia's flat arms at the bottom sides of her gigantic cheeks, and picking up her legs and covering the top sides of her head , her flattened boots extending down to where her hands have been, her bulgy eyes sticking out like massive white watermelons between her flat legs as her pupils kept darting around in helpless panic, before she felt her entire deformed head-flated and flat body being roughly lifted up in Blair's embrace...

"There you go! I did not intend for you to turn out THAT big, but i am sure Tommy will truly appreciate this new MASSIVE inflatable in his collection, haha!"


Blair yelled in-between laughs as she picked up the Julia beach ball by the hair, the cartoonishly tortured brunette all moaning and screaming through the hollow excess of her ridiculously expanded head...

"Gotta head back home to get a new belt and my favorite armbands, just in time the concert starts!"

Blair said, before dropping Julia down on the stage, the beach-balled woman bumping up and down for a few times before resting still at the center of the stage...

"We will be both banging our heads tonight, Julia!"

Blair yelled as she rushed out of the auditorium...

"Be them normal ones or at the size of blimps, hahaha..."


And the story continues : HERE! 






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