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Hello, hello!

Hope you all enjoyed the second part of Suck-O-Luxed Nora's UBER-ballooning as the redhead is inflated through various stages of shape and size change with all her body parts being expanded by the vacuum cleaner's pneumatic force, till after having finally reached her rubbery limits - all swollen comically like a blimp - she is forcefully dislodged from the device's blowing end and her deflation course is about to begin!

In the next and final part of this FSDTRW comic, we will be seeing Nora as she shoots over the kitchen at incredible speeds while she cartoonishly deforms and deflates with all the extreme amounts of air rapidly escaping her body, before she forcefully lands at the bottom of the fridge, her body being half shoved under the bulky device and flattened at the same time!

Next Weekend :

Time to resume Cheeky's planetary transformation into the most colossal blimp in existence as the redhead's gigantic form is about to start covering entire continents and break free into the stratosphere before finally reaching a way bigger size than the whole planet itself, and brace her massive self for the upcoming hit of the incoming comet in her efforts to save the earth by working as a shock-absorbing and cartoonishly deflecting pillow for humanity!

More info on 'Shock-Absorbing Cheeky's third part coming up by midweek as usually!

Cheers to all,



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