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Famous Scenes Done The Right Way!

And it's about to proceed to the second and most 'interesting' part of the 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit' Suck-O-Lux uber-inflation/ deflation (+more cartoonish antics) scene recreation : Suck-O-Luxed Nora!


Redhead Nora's mouth is now not only firmly stuck on the blowing end of the powerful Suck-O-Lux cartoon vacuum cleaner but her entire body is rapidly inflating up like a multicolored blimp!

Her belly and midsection are soon to extend and widen to the extremes, her thighs and buttocks are to bloat immensely, her boobs will puff out like party balloons and all her facial characteristics are about to be severely swollen due to the excessive pneumatic mayhem that the cleaner is forcing into the young girl's - soon to be UBERbloated - body!


The second part of the FSDTRW comic called 'Suck-O-Luxed Nora', where the struggling redhead is about to have her entire body gradually and cartoonishly inflated into the shape and sized of an overstuffed UBER-blimp, is coming up by this weekend!

Stay tuned everyone...



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