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Casey's elongated sexy face is STILL at the cartoonish grasp of the Angry Hands! 

The hose is still stuffed tight in her mouth while her head now starts to bloat and expand into something absurdly cartoonish! One of the hands is clenched around her neck, preventing any air from moving downwards to the rest of her body, but that is about to change, since once her head reaches the size of a huge blimp, the two other hands are about to squash it sideways, forcing all the air to instantly be displaced down at her boobs, inflating them and expanding to them to huge balloons, while her head turns back to normal and she remains all dumbfounded and confused by her first encounter with the Angry Hands, let alone with a pair of boobs as big as beach balls too!

The second part of the the first installment of the 'Angry Hands!' series, featuring Casey's rubbery testing from a huge headed girl to a massively boob-inflated one, is coming up by this weekend!

Stay tuned everyone...



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