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Heya peoples!

Hope you all enjoyed the first part of flattened Julia's head-ballooning as the poor metal-girl is now laying on the stage with her body still squashed and spread beneath the glass panel while her head has now begun to inflate like a goofy ball beneath Blair's continuous hosed supervision! In the next part we will see Julia's head turn into a massive orb, a huge-sized beach ball before Blair decides to release the rest of her flattened form and glue it around the ballooned up head, resulting in the perfect beach ball!

Next Weekend :

The monthly 'Angry Hands!' installment returns, and we will be seeing the second and final part of Casey's cartoonish head-handling by her white-gloved bullies, as the now distorted and hosed face of the woman is going to inflate up to a blimp, before being squashed sideways by the hands with all the air of her newly inflated head to be instantly displaced down her boobs! More info on this coming up by mid-week as usually!

Cheers to all, and don't forget to vote for the next FSDTRW scene!



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