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Introducing one of my first official sequence series :

Where a number of white-gloved, mechanically supported hands, are always willing to test out the elasticity and rubbery limits of every beautiful female participants' top parts (mostly heads, faces, boobs and upper limbs) by performing a series of test and g@gs, and by - as the pic's label implies - stretching, squashing and pumping up, whatever part or feature of their upper body they find the most interesting!

This weekend, and to start off this series of goofy g@gs that will be later put under voting and that will contain some ol' classic wild-takes, mass/air displacements, cartoonish puffing up and various more crazy rubber deformations, i will be introducing Casey, a bubbly young brunette that - in two parts - is about to have her neck elongated, her face stretched out like a piece of tuffy, her deformed face hosed, and her entire head blown up huge, before it gets pounded violently for all the air to be displaced in her boobs!

Stay tuned everyone, the first part of Casey's encounter with the ANGRY HANDS!, is coming up by this weekend!