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Greetings and salutations!

Hope you all enjoyed Blair's final comic page, as depending on which climactic side you are standing on, she either ended up as a massive house-sized blimp with tits the size of trucks and unable to stop herself from inflating bigger and bigger, or her massively swollen body exploded spectacularly sending rubbery debris, clothes and hair towards every direction! 

Next Weekend :

We will be seeing Odelia's final comic page, where she will finally reach the extremely massive size of an entire village Inn and she will start surpassing tree tops while she fully fills out the forest clearing where she originally found the purple fountain on! And of course, there will be an extra explosive and very messy version as well... But more info on this, coming up by midweek as usually!

Cheers to all!




Honestly it's a shame it ended. Was hoping for at least one more page for Blair going even bigger. But was a good ending with the explosion as well.


Glad you liked it and yea i know, but i still followed the voted results for her final size. Tho worry not amigo, since there's a planet-sized inflation comic coming very soon ;)