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InflataBlair, Part 3 Of 3 - Explosive Version.

Release Date : August 14, 2021.


Statement : If you enjoy my art and want to help me in creating more, please consider NOT sharing this above sequence outside of Patreon before a full month has elapsed from the release date!


InflataBlair, Part 3 Of 3 - Explosive Version.


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3 

Part 3 - Explosive Version 



Blair kept moaning through her absolutely pressurized, cheek-swollen face as her futile attempts of cartoonish protest were met with nothing else but her continuous massive ballooning, a ballooning that was now completely out of hand with the hose been unsuccessfully pulled out of her massive behind moments earlier. And such moments were now feeling as an entire hour each to her, as the multi-color haired goth kept expanding and widening at a tremendous rate, her size now rapidly approaching something massive, something truly gigantic...


The loud mixing of pressurized hissing from the gas leaks that kept pushing out of each and every orifice and hole of her previously - now nearly room-sized - body, kept echoing loudly over the front patio of the gas station. Blair's body was now nearly covered by her extremely thinned and strained clothing articles, both her t-shirt and leather skirt now being stretched over her massively inflated body parts like rubber bands that kept approaching their elasticity limits, nearly covering just her swollen nipples at the upper top of her humongously puffed up frame. Her tits were the size of weather blimps, her entire midsection mow more than 10 feet across, continuously bumping at her car to the side, the vehicle's edges sinking at the sides of her massive air swollen gut and making her bounce and tremble from inflated head to bottom...


The girl kept moaning in panic, all the curse words in the world trying to leave her massively swollen lips but coming out as distressful moans alongside the air leaking out of her dark red mouth-hole as she was now fully regretting ever kicking the tire that sent the hose in a wild trajectory before being shoved inside her butt, let alone ever trying to check her tire pressure all by herself to begin with! Blair's face was now comically bloated, her plump lips resembling dark red bananas and her cheeks the size of softballs, her wide-eyed look of utter annoyance looking helplessly to the massive canyon of air filled cleavage to her front as her whole head was being rapidly swallowed by the surrounding ballooning parts of her body. Shoulders the size of beach-balls, arms the size of pool rafts, her entire upper torso now forming a bulgy embrace for her moaning face as it kept being sunken deeper and deeper at the base of her puffed up neck, and the sheer grandeur of each one of her bloated tits now giving her at least some of short-lived comfort at how busty she was now becoming, before quickly returning back to her inflating reality of being turned into a human blimp of extreme dimensions all over!


A series of screeching rubber skin and hissing noises kept echoing, now more audibly from Blair's monstrous backside as the lower parts of her ballooning form were now being squished against the front garage opening of the station, her massive butt cheeks, each at the size of a small car, threatening to demolish the edges of the door, a chaos of bulging balloon skin, leather from her skirt and swollen legs, all pushing and fighting from space in the back of this cartoonishly inflating spectacle. The hose was still jammed tightly in her rear end, the pressurized leaks now coming out in extreme ferocity from both her womanly orifices as her massively swollen belly had her entire backside pushed up into the air and the top of the door. Her legs were now turning into absurdly widened divots, with nothing but her distorted leather boots around her feet, bulging and fighting to remain in tact as her vaginal lips where each swollen to the size of gigantic rugby ball, and her clit was approaching the size of a melon...

And still Blair kept inflating and expanding, now more massive and more hot-air blimp looking than ever as she had long surpassed the height of the entire facility and was rising high and proudly into the air above the wide front patio. Her entire look was straight out of some extremely weird cartoon show as she was now resembling a massive orb, more than 15 feet across, with tits and buttocks nearly the same size as her car each, her arms swollen impossibly to the size of elongated party blimps with her wristbands still tight holding around her inflated wrists for dear life, and her red car now seeming pretty small in comparison next to her behemothian size, no more than one fifth of her entire height...


The incredibly ballooned up Blair's face kept screaming from atop, her facial characteristics now reaching new levels of stupidity as her cheeks were nearly the size of volley balls, her eyeballs noticeably bulging out of her sockets like shinny bright eggs and her pupils all crossed and terrified due to the extreme pressure that was building up inside of her. She kept moaning and mentally struggling to withstand her cartoonish torturing while she kept getting bigger and bigger, with nothing or no one being around to help her out of this ballooning mess, and as she was now nearly the height and width of an entire two story tall mansion, with tits and buttocks the size of weather blimps and a overall ballooning periphery that had now covered the entire patio and was advancing rapidly over the front road, one and only question kept echoing inside of her multi-colored haired head...

...how BIG am i gonna freakin' get before i expl--


Blair didn't even finish her thought before her massive form gave out and exploded into an extremely loud and messy spectacle, millions of rubbery pieces, torn clothing parts and hair of many colors being forcefully ejected to all possible directions in a bang so loud that could be heard across every part of the small town...


Her red car suddenly landed several feet across the opposite pavement, the shock-wave of Blair's explosion sending the entire vehicle a considerable distance into the air before it came crashing down like a pile of toppled over red junk with smashed windows, a rain of rubbery skin pieces and Blair's other torn remains now covering it and the surrounding area like some sort of skin-colored rain...






Robert Pearson

I wonder if the airbags in Blair's Car deployed from the force of impact when hitting the ground? Great work Hellresident! I very much so enjoyed this sequence.