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Emmie's Revenge, Part 2 Of 3.

Release Date : July 24, 2021.


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Male-focused Sequence --> Read Here!

Revenge-sequence on this previous sequence : 1, 2, 3.


Part 1

Part 2 

Part 3 





Emmie yelled, her face glowing in ecstasy as she jammed the spewing hose she was holding right between the sided slot that was Bob's mouth, both his lips immediately parting ways so as to accommodate the thick rubber thing that was forcefully shoved into his flattened mouth, the sheer force of Emmie's thrust sending the hose deep into Bob's mouth and down his throat as the outline of its b@lge could be seen from the outside of his rubbery flat neck...

"Now you know what a deepthro@t feels like, babe! Haaa ha ha..."

The woman yelled even louder, her grasp hard on the hose as she kept pushing deeper inside her man's mouth, making sure it was jammed in as best as possible...


Bob moaned in distress, his widened flat eyes going wider as he felt a consecutive series of pressurized discomforts now building up in his upper flat frame. Not only was this thing jammed down his flattened mouth but he could now feel the gas flowing within him, his entire immobile shape now trembling in Emmie's vengeful grasp as he could feel the upper parts of his body now slowly popping back into their previously three-dimensional shapes and volumes...


One by one, Bob's upper body parts start popping back like small fleshy pillows, ballooney bulges on his previously side-compressed shape, his eyes going wider, his moans of distress now frantic and his entire frame shaking up like a balloon hooked up to a pump! First his chest followed up by his upper arms and shoulders, all started inflating and expanding by the inner pressure building up, his boobs gaining volume, his previously muscular biceps and upper parts now being rapidly filled with gas, and the cheeks on his face comically b@lging out from each side of his flat head as Emmie help the rapidly inflating man up, his semi-flated hands now trembling like flat rubbers on his side having being detached from his flat torso and them rapidly gaining volume too...

"You know what's fun about helium, babe...?"

Emmie said with a tease, the sight of her flattened boyfriend stupidly inflating back to shape beneath her grasp giving her the giggles as she tried to not burst into yet again another wave of laughs. She could see his entire head now b@lging outwards into shape, his chest now being almost fully back to its actual buff size, his arms having also fully inflated back to full capacity and the gentle gas making all of his upper body look cartoonishly puffy as it kept trying to force its was down to the rest of Bob's flat form, his lower torso and belly now rapidly popping back out into volume as well...

"It makes things float!"

She added near Bob's moaning face with an intense whisper, before tossing him roughly up in the air like an inflating rubber doll, the expanding semi-flated man 's form shaking and bulging as his upper inflated form floated mid-room above Emmie, her hand still tight on the hose leading up to Bob's inflating face...



Bob kept moaning and screaming through the hose, his face now fully bloated with a pair of cheeks that resembled softballs stuffed inside his face, the hose still pumping helium inside of him at a steady pace as he hovered there above Emmie like a kite of absurdity. His bloated arms were extended to the sides, all fully pumped up and thick, his chest having expanded to a pair of massive breasts that stretched his tank top around his upper torso intensely, his neck all bloated and thick, his mid-section having puffed out severely as the gas kept working its way down to the lower parts of his increasingly back-to-3d returning body, with his buttocks and thighs being all puffed up like a pair of tree trunks and the rest of his flat legs dangling beneath his knees like some weird girlanda decoration...

"Look at you, Bob... My perfect balloon boy!!!" 

Emmie said from below, looking up with glee in her smiling face, the sight of her former abuser now being ridiculed like an inflatable object at her control, giving her all the satisfaction in the world...


And it was at that point that his feet popped back to normal, although normal is quite a mild word to describe the shape and size that Bob was now gaining. His upper body was considerably more puffed up that the rest of him, being the first to receive the initial helium blows, with a pair of massive breasts and thickened up bulging arms that resembled those of the Michelin's blimp, with his belly now looking as if he had stuffed an entire beach ball inside, with his legs now resembling a pair of pool floats, and with his entire over-inflating form now floating above the floor as the hose kept feeding generous amounts of helium inside of his wide-eyed and cheek-bloated face...









Yesssss!! I’ve been waiting for this. Love that dudes are now flattened and inflated. Thanks!!!