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When Feeling Blue, Part 3 Of 3.

Release Date : February 20, 2021.


Statement : If you enjoy my art and want to help me in creating more, please consider NOT sharing this above sequence outside of Patreon before a full month has elapsed from the release date!


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3 

Part 3 - Explosive Version


When Feeling Blue, Part 3 Of 3.



Bianca moaned and screamed between the massive chunks of thick juice that were now escaping her banana-sized dark blue lips, the sight of her increasingly shrinking-in-size phone that was bouncing up and down on her car-sized boobs filling her also with dread apart from the countless of gallons of blueberry juice she was already bloated up with. Her body was now rising 5 times over the height of the bench and all her features were becoming so swollen and puffed, that her physique started resembling some weird cartoon prop instead of a woman. A massive belly that was more than 12 feet across, a pair of breasts that could only compared to weather blimps, a pair of buttocks and legs that could put any massively bodied mammal into shame, a pair of hands that could be only sized up next to basket balls with conical fingers, a blueberry filled head with cheeks the size of beach balls and a pair of swollen eyes the size of melons...


The sloshing coming from Bianca's body was violently interrupted by two sharp noises as both her already impossibly stretched boots gave out by the pressure of her inflating calves and tore into pieces. Her feet then - and after being immediately freed from their tiny enclosure at the bottom of her shoes, instantly bloated outwards like a pair of blue party balloons, her toes all puffing out together to the size of tennis balls, as at the same time her aggressively expanding orb of a belly, crushed on and started pushing the poor bench she was previously sitting on, the wooden juice-drenched planks cracking and breaking apart as Bianca's womanly holes from above, kept showering literal small rivers of juice over the thing, her pillow sized vaginal lips and cantaloupe sized clit leaking out the thick juice produced inside of her now gigantic body in an unprecedented rate, before...


The now tiny looking bench gave out under the enormous weight of the blue giantess on top of it, as with a series of thunderous noises, the destroyed wood of the bench got ejected backwards on the field and Bianca's massive juice-filled body fell over the now empty space between the bench and the drenched ground with a vengeance. Her entire massively swollen form bounced and jiggled like an oceanic being, as the poor blonde - whose ears were still being bombarded from the same frequencies playing on repeat through her earphones, and with them now engulfed over the massively inflated skin of her cheeks and head - now laid there amidst the green field like an absurdly inflated object that could only be compared to a three-story house in size, if not even taller and wider...


Bianca yelled through her leaking raft-sized blue lips as through her now exercise-ball-sized eyeballs she could only see a vast expanse of blue skin to her front, as her boobs were now extending to her front like a pair of blue hot air balloons, the spraying fountains of juice from her massive nipples drenching more and more of the entire field as each second went by. She could now see over a considerable portion of the horizon, the rooftops of her small town coming into view from up where she was now standing at her incredible size, and that filled her with absolute dread as to how tall and overly HUGE she has been inflated to. Bianca could not be seen for several miles as she rose like a blue hill over the greenery, towering by far over the treetops at her proximity and more than 30 feet in height and diameter. And she kept inflating and expanding, gaining volume at an incredibly fast rate. 50 feet across, then 100 feet in height before easily reaching 200 feet in across and easily wider...


Bianca moaned in shock from up where her massively swollen face was now reigning, a flock of numerous birds flying by her, the literal fact that they seemed like flies in size next to her, making her regret ever pressing that play button in the first place and experimenting with new soundtracks for relaxation, as this whole thing had long turned into a massively swollen blue disaster. She felt the bottom of her mountain-sized belly now push over the neighboring tree-line like it was literal grass, the thin trees giving out over her overwhelmingly cosmic size as she was now more than 400 feet in height and a bit more than 500 feet in diameter. Her zeppelin-sized tits and fountain of a butt-hole, were all spraying endless amounts of juice over the surrounding fields and it was at that time that the track finally came to an end, and silence finally filled her ears...


She questioned between moans, her mansion sized- head slightly bouncing up and down in disbelief at the prospect of this  unbelievable mishap finally ending, and indeed she had stopped growing...

Why me...

The Bianca blueberry blimp asked herself internally as she realized that this inflation may have been finally over, but it would take her hours if not DAYS for the juice to leak out of her in order to reach a somewhat more manageable size and get back to moving again. 

If some bird's beak or sharp edge from a snapped brunch down below would not make her pop while waiting for it...






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