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*** Secret shop (until Feb 15th ) - shrimp/jellyfish/squid tier / nudibranch tier


Ants are so many and everywhere.

There are many numbers and many kinds.

22,000 species of ants on Earth!

For example, I knew the existence of Leaf cutter ants, but I didn't know if they were 47 species.

Loop animation I did on 2012

Ants were everywhere where I lived.

It's a long time ago, but there were times when ant built a house right under my bed. So, some ants came out on my pillow. Even rice or soda on the desk... haha.

It was quite annoying when living with them in the same space, but nonetheless, ants must be attractive animals.

Whenever I watch a documentary about ants, I get overwhelmed by them.

Anyway, it's not the first time I've drawn an ant, but it's my first time studying and drawing in detail.

There is an Ant wiki, so it was really easy to find the correct data.


Type of Ant

  • Polyrhachis lamellidens, Shimmering golden sugar ant (Camponotus sericeiventris), Florida harvester ant, Honeypot ant, Acrobat ant
  • Turtle ant (Cephalotes atratus), Saharan silver ant, Bull ant (Myrmecia nigrocincta), Pharaoh ant, Big-headed ant, Bullet ant
  • Ghost ant, Titanomyrma gigantea, Leafcutter ant, Army ant (Eciton burchellii), Green tree ant(weaver ant), Yellow crazy ant, Banded sugar ant

When they sting, people suffer severe pain, like being shot.

Weaver ant! 

They make leaf sheaths with silken thread from larvae.

Titanomyrma gigantea is an ancient ant known to be the biggest.

They are said to be about 2 inches (5 cm).

These are living storage!

The fastest ant.

The harvester ant collects seeds or mushrooms.

Myrmecia stings are very potent, and the venom from these ants is among the most toxic in the insect world. (wiki)

They collect leaves and grow fungi.

Thank you!




these are so adorable oh my god!! i especially love the bullet ant, how clever <3 and the honeypot!! my favorite has got to be the leafcutter tho, they are so fascinating... (and cute!) your art always brightens my day, thank you!!


Yeah, the scene where they carry leaves is really lovely. And the reason too! It was nice to draw them this time 🥰 Thank you very much starryraindrops!


So many ants, and so diverse! Really interesting info!


Yes, so many kind of ants on our planet 💕🐜 thank you so much Udina!