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Now many of you tested the Rebecca Game with the circle controls,

and i got much feedback and some really nice ideas on how to make it better.

Please choose everything you agree with, if you have any other feedback or ideas let me know in the comments!

This time i even made sure to NOT forget to allow for multiple answers >_<

Please have in mind, this is not for the Rebecca game, those changes will be for the initial Harem release!

All assets from the Rebecca Suckingham game will be in the "Serious Business" quest in Harem.



I HATH RETURNED! How are things? Been a bit quiet lately. The HYPE levels are still high on this end!


I do a devblog to tell you in detail what I do at the moment, but in short, I got the updater working properly, and now I work on the harem base game, mainly the palace which is fully explorable 🐈


Liked the previous system better, just give me simple click to advance and I'm happy. Gamify the rest as much as you want but I'd prefer the scenes remain as scenes and not minigames


Understandable, I was thinking about this, and when you play the next release, there will be a option to switch from the circle to a '' progress'' bar, where you just can change speeds and modes, so the range and direction gets generated by the game. 🐱 Something like (press F1 to switch between those control modes)