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I think its time to give you a Update on the Progress of my Projects!

And one thing first!

I like to Thank You♥ all, 

i know i am late with Frost... again, all i can say is making games is... hard, but Fun! 

I am working nearly every free minute on my projects by now (lockdownlifestyle), and i have much fun planning and testing ideas, in the last year i've learned so much new things all because of Your support.

Thank YOU!

I try giving you the best games i can make, and i decided to release them when i feel they are ready.

So i like to tell you, EVERYONE that has supported me on here will get Frost and Harem no matter if you are still supporting me or not!

So when it is released and you want it, its already yours, just write me a Private Message on here and i send you a Link!

It is very hard to say when i have them done, and more important when i am happy with it, but if you have any questions, i am always there if you comment or message me!

And now to the important part!

The update!


I Added many missing animations, most of them where for the wolfes.

There are still animations missing, but i make progress!


Here some examples:

There are now some Threesome animations, with the "Third" character to be replacable with a Male or Female Version.

BTW also Male Wolfes in two Variants,

https://vimeo.com/543379711 -Just a Short video showing the Characters.

This video shows also, the new "Event space", With Frost i had some performance problems, especially with the very important "Cuddle" Scenes, so now everytime a scene starts you get a short loading screen (fades to black) and the scene will then take place in a own little world without needing to calculate all other characters.

In the Video, you see the background? Thats just a HDR image mapped onto a dome with floor, but it saves alot of memory and is perfect for this, you can even move around without noticing it too much!


-Much better performance

-"Clean" start after every cuddly encounter (resets physics and possible script bugs)


-Short Loading screen :c

These are just the Loop animations which i blend with each other to get the final animations you see ingame, so these animations are not like they appear ingame!

New Speech System:

In the Video Above, you see my new and self made Speech System.

I have BIG dreams and i need to do it the smart way to get it done,

So how to do speech? 

Doing everything by hand would take way to much time, so i decided to "Generate" the Lip and tounge Movement with a little blueprint script.

I take the Sound sample (at the moment Ai Generated speech) and pass it through a Amplitute note, that calculates 8 times per secound the volume as Float value.

With that i then drive the Rig Jaw and Head + Morph targets to generate the animation.

Its not perfect, but i think i can make it better if i would split the audio spectrum by frequency and use this for the morph targets. Need to try that!

I also made a quite big change on how the characters are working,

You see this^

This is everything thats in the Animation Bluepring code part.

Let me explain:

I have many many characters and i want all of them in my games,

But i want them to be special andi hate it when i am constained by techical things, 

so nearly all characters do have unique Skeletons with unique animations.

But there is a problem, you can't have one animation blueprint for multiple skeletons. :c

So the only way is it to have many anim blueprints and copy paste the code in all of them, which is... lets say "poopy" if i need to change something i need to change the same thing 20 times..... but there is no other way around.

Or is it?

Yes there is!

I made it that the character is calculating everything,

Pulse, Breath, EyeBlinking, Emotions, Look At Values and much more,

Do a Event dispatch with all values that the animation blueprint needs, and TaDa!

The Character now does not need to know the Animation blueprint, and the Animation Blueprint just references the Harem Base Character. Boom problem solved! :3

These are the Values every character updates every frame, that are driving the animations.

New Fur Lighting:

I added Global ambient light to my Fur shader, 

It gives you much better light, with practicly Zero (yes 0) performance loss!


Had also done some work on Harem,

Like said, i changed the way the animation blueprint speaks to the character, but also i added the Horses to Harem.

These "skins" are for a Easter egg inside Harem.

I wanted to have a Prototype for you ready by now, but yea.... then came that animation blueprint stuff, and i needed to spend way too much time making this bed....

I hope i get the Prototype done in the next few days, because i really wanna show you how i will do the "Events (sex scenes)" i want You to have full control over the animation, and it already works. 

Do nothing:

The animation plays for itself Procedurally (use mouse wheel to simple speed up/Down, and rightclick to do a special animation).

Hold down Left Mouse:

you control the animation by moving your mouse.

On both modes:

Mouse 3 (Press wheel) you cum.

Also, new horse pussy :3

And i finally solved a serious problem,

I had that Horses ready half a year ago, but then it showed that the new hair system does not support Collisions in packaged games.... which is game breaking when playing with ponys.

Epic did not get it fixed since then.... but don't you worry, at 3am in the morning i had an idea, for a custom hair collision solver.

It works perfectly, but only supports three collision points per hairstyle, which is not a big problem if you position them right, and make them capsules ;3

it is also like 10 times faster than epics solution. (which is no wonder, epic does per hair collision which melts your graphics card).

I think thats all for now,

Will update you soon, hopefully with that Harem Event Showcase!

Thank you again♥


Your Furrier,

And i forgot something, some that are reading the comments do already know,

New Character Movement!




PoniGame Preview [NetMode_ Standalone] (64-bit_Windows) 2021-04-30 00-26-07.mp4

This is "PoniGame Preview [NetMode_ Standalone] (64-bit_Windows) 2021-04-30 00-26-07.mp4" by Furrier on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the...


Wayne sills

I love all the hard work furrier I love how everything looks thank you again for you beautiful work and thx for the update keep up the great work ❤


Thanks Wayne♥ you are truly awesome, thanks to your comment i will sleep much better. (its 2:30Am) X_X good night:3 which one was your favorite pony again?

Wayne sills

Its hard to pick I love all 3 of them also have a good night

Jason Aragon

The passion and commitment put towards these games is why I support you.


The hype never ends! With everything you are doing here I am almost more excited to see where it takes you next!


I have a few critiques, it all looks really nice and I love your work but there are a few things I notice. The gravity looks like she is on the moon, not a huge problem and neither is the next one, but it looks like she is Naruto running. Not huge problems (Especially since I will probably play in 1st person).


Really was surprise you added voice ai, didn't see that coming. Keep up the hard work. You are doing great!


Whaaat he posted something and I didn't get a notification ??? Dammit


WIth the gravity, i noticed its much more fun moving/jumping when there is only 2/3 gravity, the terrain is pretty rugged, you will be happy to jump a bit higher ^^ And with that naruto run (had to google it) , jea i see the similarities, especially when she is jumping and near hitting the ground.


oh whaaat? that was the checkbox named "keep it hidden from liol" meant :P Did you check your Spam folder? just curious if it checks for words in the email to determine if its spam.


I am still in search for voice actors, and its much easier to debug and change stuff if i just can generate the speech myself, so maybe the first release will have ai voice but the plan is to get real voice actors for this! Especially for Mirage♥


Thank you♥ i feel my problem is that i get sometimes too excited and underestimate the workload, sorry for that. But i got much faster all together, this mirage up there, its a complete new rig, because it could not support morph targets, i had to change some things and this broke the Skin information... Just needed two hours to completley rig her again. (First time was like two weeks) :D


Hey Furrier, I had to reload the website. Because I thought I was dreaming, there is so much new good news that I am very burning. When these games are released, it will be a very nice and fluffy time for us. For you support and comment (I really hope for decent comments ^^). I also very much hope that people should rather support you and not put you on the link. I would consider that very fair <3, but that's my opinion ^^. I think your animations look very nice and above all the mare looks very nice. ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Are the sound packages played randomly during the animation? The blueprints look very complex and I fully understand that the release date has not been set. But I'm really looking forward to the Harem Event Showcase. :) ♥


I would like to give you more hearts than just one ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ The Sound samples that Mirage is saying are just so i can build and test the animation, its from a script that i have written where i had a idea for a minigame where you get seduced by her into freeing her. Its on my todo list but in the category "someday".


are there any plans to implement a launcher for the game and apply updates and automatically manage what releses the patron tiers get?


i have looked into that, there is a plugin that uses the patreon api, to do that. Somewhere in the future yes! Having a Simple Furrier Launcher where you can download/update all games. That would be awesome...


The animations and textures are looking amazing, cant wait to see the end result. However, If you dont mind some constructive criticism, I think the abdomen of the female model is a bit extreme in relation to the waist. Just my opinion, but I think a bit thicker around the belly to look more natural would look better


Thanks! i can see what you mean! With her "Thin" version i overdid it intentionally, because i want to use Morph targets to have characters get Thicker when they eat much. and thinner when they run around much. So you can pick your favorite character and "make" her as thin or thick as you like. The characters you see up there are all the 0% BodyFat versions. Look here: https://ibb.co/JyVVRp2 Left you see 100% BodyFat, Right 0% I always wanted to do a third even more thick version when she never moves around and is only used for breeding. When i fully implement this body fat system i will do some ingame screenshots and then we can refine the Thin/Thick Morph targets no problem! :3 I am just estimating all proportions, and Nothing is made out of stone, i can change everything! Always Glad for some constructive critisism! Thank you for helping making it even better ♥


can you made vr compatible?


This is the plan, making a vr version in parallel with the non vr game. Just got my own HTC vive for that, what vr Headset are you using if I may ask? And you need a very fast graphics card, I am experimenting with a different fur technique for characters you are not ''using'' but at the moment I can't promise good framerate below a 2080 or 3070 at the moment, I am using a 1070 and it's OK for testing but >30 fps vr is no fun 😿