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This month many new People Joined, and i get often the same questions for this is this FAQ Section.

But dont hesitate to Message me if you have ANYTHING on your heart♥!

Q: When is "Game" coming?

A: Always as soon as Possible, but you can see a Estimated Release Date inside the "Downloadlist" Post.

Q: Are you doing this all by Yourself?

A: Yes, all characters or other assets i use i made myself.

Q: What Software are you using?

A: I am using 3ds max, Zbrush and Photoshop and of course the Unreal Engine 4.

Q: How can i contact you?

A: Just send me a Private Message, i also try answering every comment, but they sometimes get lost, if i have not answered for a few days please dont hesitate sending me a PM :)

Q: What is your goal?

A: I love doing 3D, and i want to make the best Fluffy game that exists!

Q: Are you working in the Games Industry?

A: No, and i never had.

Q: Can you learn me how to make lewd games?

A: I am still learning myself, but there is a Workshop coming that shows you the Complete Process of, Making a Character, Texturing, Rigging and making a Minigame from shader to Coding.

Q: I have a awesome idea! Are you doing Commissions?

A: Not at the moment, but if your idea is awesome enough i do it for free!

Q: You reached your Goals, what is going to happen now?

A: From beginning of December i will work Parttime in my Mainjob and early next year i will quit and work Full time for you!

Q: Why are you doing multiple games and not just one?

A: To prevent burnout, I do have my Main Projects  (Frost, Fantasy Harem) and i am making a minigame from time to time to get my head free and learn new things from a different angle.

Q: inside the Harem game, are there only going to be Kitties?

A: There is going to be many different Characters, from Big Dragons, Bats, Spiders, Foxies, Pandas and many more, Not all feral some Anthropomorphic, some Human.

FAQ Section is now over, now to the Poll!

now, I like to know you better, so please Check everything where you agree with!

Thank you for Reading till the end,

For the 10$ Patrons:

Lets do something fun together, 

i would like to ask you to send me your Favorite Characters! (only one entry per Person)

Just Send me a Private Message with at least one Image of your Character you like to see modeled by me!

All entrys will be up for vote in exactly month from Today (21.10).

Thank you all, and have a great day!

Your Furrier♥



Wish i could vote for more than one, but id love to see some vr fantasy harem


Oh snap, I get to vote on what I want? Aww yeah. This is getting abused. Keep up the good work.


I will admit, I am interested in how you develop these projects. 🤔 I'm striving to become a solo developer because I love the concept of making your own world within a small screen. So I like watching how other independent developers create such amazing worlds.


A feral game is something i was looking for a your making it happen so i support you all the way.


I love what you have going so far. Love the feral fun. The graphics arent bad at all, the animations are nice. One bit of constructive criticism is the sex animation buttons are a bit clunky. Other than that the game is my 2nd favorite naughty game


Didn’t see this posted, but would like to see the glitched animations and controls smoothed out if possible. The controls are very unintuitive but even so the game is already amazing.

Wolfy Wet Furr

Gay, Bi, and Herm, are all nice options to have when looking to expand. Ferals in general, of any gender and species are especially welcome. Especially horses, but not limited to. Original characters are great, I have shared your taste in characters so far and your work is so unique to you. I think while doing a one of rule 34 thing would be fun if you felt like doing so as a nice break, they are not the reason I fell in love with your work. Kinda like how you encourage me to do stuff I think is fun opposed to rule 34. Fantasy Harem is easily my favorite so far but Frost is highly anticipated. Playing as a human is fun and more relatable. Though I dig the zebra too!


Yeah i totally agree, playing as a human is great, especially in POV. Also, big hype train for Frost!


yea you are right the buttons are clunky, its only a temporary solution until i finished the intaraction gameplay code :)


"I love the concept of making your own world within a small screen" same! :D I will do a little workshop series on that when i get some time for it, let me show you that it is not so hard, just very time consuming (and fun) :3


I'd kinda like to see an anthro variant of Fantasy Harem, moreso for those, myself included, that enjoy the concept but prefer anthros to ferals.


this is the ultimate goal for fantasy harem, there will be all kinds of awsome characters not limited to ferals/felines

preservinglight .

the orgasm in fantasy harem needs some work.


yep it really needs too, nothing is final, everything is subject to change. With the next update much stuff will be fixed/ polished :3


Needs more ferals, of many different types :D