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Today I'm joined by Fergal Schmudlach (@irregnata) from the Kingless Generation podcast to discuss paleo-parapolitics. 

We start by discussing several points of mutual interest regarding Japan. Then we get into what anthropology can tell us about Marxism and serial killing. We talk about The Power of Ritual in Prehistory: Secret Societies and Origins of Social Complexity by Brian Hayden among other works. 


for the twin by Daisuke Tanabe

hard off haul by Daisuke Tanabe

dried donuts by Daisuke Tanabe








Highly recommend a deep dive on the role of Santeria in the Cuban Revolution. I knew a Cuban-American santero a few years back who was a communist and (unfortunately) a huge creep, but I learned some worthwhile stuff from him at the time. For better and worse, a lot of the doctrine isn’t written down, so only initiates can learn the real shit, and much of what you find in books consists of limited hangouts and outright bullshit for op-sec purposes. It’s a pretty Leninist spirituality, similar to Haitian Voodoo. Great ep for sure, many interesting threads to tug.


Lol I just got to the part where you mentioned those religions so you beat me to it. I’d still like to hear the deep dive episode!


Really fun episode, thanks. I don't think Jeffrey Sachs is a “terrible human being,” I think he’s just badly miseducated. But he is learning, as are we all. Here is Sachs in September redpilling Chris Hedges on the Kennedy assasination. https://youtu.be/Wqm9Yl1gGEY?t=1792