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Today I'm joined by Nick Vyssotsky (@cuss_otaku) to discuss Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear Solid video game franchise. Nick takes us through the franchise's alternate history and we discuss the various themes involving Private Military Contractors, parapsychology, Programed to Kill themes, black budgets, AI guided governance, and on and on.

Then I discuss the real-world example of a particular PMC, Keenie Meenie Services. I discuss their formation in places like Yemen, Angola, and Northern Ireland and their ongoing presence in places like Oman, Uganda, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Nicaragua, El Salvador, etc.

episode artwork by Vyssotsky (@cuss_otaku)


Too Hot For My Chinchilla by Tangerine Dream

The Dream Is Always the Same by Tangerine Dream

Tear Down the Grey Skies by Tangerine Dream

Forbidden Colours by Ryuichi Sakamoto







MGS episode let’s goooooo


Oh man…I was both too young and too dumb to fully comprehend the monologue in MGS2 but I still knew that guy was saying some deeply, deeply evil shit hahaha


Comment 1 of ?: my older cousin brought MGS over with his memory card on Christmas and I was just a tad young still. He was on the cyborg ninja fight, which imprinted me big time. My dad, my uncle, my cousin and I were positively stuck to the screen.


The end codec call of MGS2 with the talk of creating context is especially wild in retrospect because it was pre-social media. A lot of people listened to that without any idea of how that would have played out. It seems obvious now but we have the hindsight of watching it all happen.


read for filth when nick described your average animal crossing player 🫣🫠


DNA gun triggers is like in the movie District 9...