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(episode 2 of 2)

I'm rejoined by Monty (@MontyBaby7) to finish our conversation about the Jesters (and many more things) relating to the Gosch and Franklin cases. We start with a high-level overview of the timeline of the Gosch and Franklin cases.

Then I examined Alan Baer's family history, which is to say, the Brandeis family, who made their fortune through the Brandeis department store. That led us to examine patterns of immigration to Nebraska including Czech Jews which included practicing Frankists. We revisit the Frankists and discuss US Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis.

Note: as of the recording, I had not read The Books of Jacob by Olga Tokarczuk, but since the recording I have read it.

(Monty wanted to add a clarifying note because he felt he may have been unclear or incorrect in discussing the Sabbateans and Frankists: "Sabbateans were in fact Sephardic, while the Frankists seem to be mostly Ashkanazi but some Sephardic as well."

After that, we explore the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, Omaha's secret society. The Knights are very similar to the Veiled Prophet Ball of St. Louis as well as Mardi Gras Krewes. By all accounts, the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben "aspired to weld together the business and professional men of the city of Omaha and surrounding area into a compact secret society" and appear to have done so successfully.fter that, we explore the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, Omaha's secret society. The Knights are very similar to the Veiled Prophet Ball of St. Louis as well as Mardi Gras Krewes. By all accounts, the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben "aspired to weld together the business and professional men of the city of Omaha and surrounding area into a compact secret society" and appear to have done so successfully.

episode art by Dakota (@DEEP_RED_BELLS)


Mothers and Daughters by Colin Stetson

Dreaming by ‘’

Second Seance pt. 1 by ‘’

Second Seance pt. 2 by ‘’

Second Seance pt. 3 by ‘’

Book Burning by ‘’

Joanie by ‘’

Too Many Years by Kodak Black ft. PNB Rock









thinking about this and the Atlanta Missing and murdered....someone truly investigating the racial angle of these events might give us something illuminating. why Black kids? Could it be more than just "these are the most vulnerable kids"?

Steve Ray

I heard someone scrubbed the evidence of all the non-black kids, so the investigation would taper off.

Steve Ray

"Travel Expenses" could also be an accounting dodge for some *other* expense better left unsaid, -- e.g.: "4/15/1989 - Q3 Cash Payout to Hell's Angels M.C. , per 1986 treaty - $2,500.00" -- so the books would balance in case Clooney or the police department got audited.


Lawrence King is connected to Michigan too? damn.... so beyond North Fox Island and Oakland County what other major crime organizations are working out of there? Michigan always comes up.


Near the end ya'll mention the Process and how they connect back to these operations / crimes. What are they really (I know basics that they connected to Manson, Son of Sam, etc...) and do you have shows available that go deeper into them? I research the Atlanta Child Murders and know that they were here but have never seen any hint that they were involved and there were a lot of people and groups involved. All I have seen is the Maury Terry comment and some satanic stuff from Lyndon Larouche group which I feel is most likely BS.

jfk truther

I found the Gary Caradori story to be the most engaging portion of Nick’s book. The Franklin scandal had stories in it that kept me from sleeping and made me triple check my locks. Also, Wikipedia = spook-ipedia I AM VERY RICH, I AM NOAH CROSS, but I actually don’t control LA at all