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I know some of you like to know what's on the horizon and read along, so I'd like to announce an upcoming interview with Candice Wuehle, author of the 2022 novel Monarch. The episode ought to come out in a month or so.

You don't need to have read the novel to enjoy the episode and there are only vague spoilers but I'd recommend reading it before if you are interested. It's much shorter than 2666 I promise, and it's very good!




Damn, Jimmy- you done got me a birthday present, and it's perfect!

Zac Cameron

Ok, just finished the book. Hoping you guys dive into some of the names and locations chosen for the narrative. Hard not to make a Col. Klink connection to Dr. Clink and the associations therein. I'm also very curious about why Norway as a filthy American mutt with a not insignificant portion being Norwegian especially on the heels of Nordstream...


Has anyone seen the absolutely insane 1988 movie Dead Ringers? It definitely came to my mind when I was reading about the Night Games in Part 1 Chapter Five. The idea of a dominant twin and of course the title showing up.


Having read PTK and Aberration and Devil's Chessboard and Poisoner in Chief, etc etc.. this book somehow makes it all so much sadder.