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It's time to discuss the much-anticipated, much-requested question, "why do you keep raising your eyebrows suggestively at any mention of Indiana?" What follows is necessarily an incomplete attempt, but I cover early Indiana state history, the Indiana Treason Trials, the Knights of the Golden Circle, the curious case of the Ishmael family, Indiana eugenics programs, the weird proto-Christian Identity church milieu there, Terre Haute, some discussion of Charlie Manson's early life, a segment on the Interstate Killer Larry Eyler and the bizarre coverup there, a bit on the Kinsey network and the expat Tibetans, Amoco, Eli Lilly, the Symbionese Liberation Army, various spooks, MKULTRA, talking shit on Parks and Recreation, and a revisit to the conceptual framework of the susness of places in general.

episode art by Dakota

Premium Episode 58 Songs:

Goin’ Back to Indiana by the Jackson Five

Indianapolis by the Bottle Rockets

Indiana Wants Me by R. Dean Taylor






Wow. Petty comments about Tom O'Neill. Did you think that O'Neill doesn't have an editor? According to O'Neill (exactly like Wendy Painting), how much was edited out could fill another book -- and, indeed, that's the next book from O'Neill. I like Programmed to Chill -- I pay for it -- but what a dumb fucking swipe at O'Neill (dumb or sus?), considering what a whopping favor O'Neill gave us with his Jolyon West documents.


Jimmy I loved the episode, great work as per usual, but I gotta say that dig against the CHAOS book was pretty wack and out of place. That book isn't a biography of Manson so I don't know why you would expect them to cover all aspects of his childhood. Is the implication here that because O'Neill didn't go into detail about Manson being sexually abused as a kid that the book is some kind of "op"? Or is it some kind of hipster thing where we're supposed to hate on the book because it's too mainstream or something? I don't get it. Maybe the book isn't perfect but it is right now the most powerful confirmation of the "McGowan thesis" that we have. Which of course doesn't mean it can't be critiqued but it should be fair criticism imo, not whatever that was. Rant over, keep up the good work!


Agreed! Chaos is my favorite book


I gotta ask if the cope is that all these corporations are somehow pro nazi or fascist why are they the ones pushing diversity the most or lgbt lifestyles seems inconsistent?


these companies are funding right-wing indiana churches, they're not funding diversity/lgbtq stuff. different financial interests involved