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Today's the first of a 3-part series (or 4 if you include the Simon Radowitzky episode) on the Patagonian Revolution, which a lot of people don't know about. In some ways, the story continues as these events occurred after the Radowitzky episode, also. We talk about the politics of the time, Argentina's Tragic Week and who owned Patagonia. Understanding the economic base of Patagonia is crucial to understanding the story, as well as the different forces exploiting the economy. It all culminates in waves of strikes which allow the workers to win major concessions. Much of this episode sets up the events for episode 2-3, but I promise it's not boring.


a track called Ленин (Спасибо, Ильич!)

A Las Barricadas



Jonathan Smith

At 7:41, did you mean to say one MILLION?


Yeah, it was translated from Spanish and the way it's phrased, I'm pretty certain it's 1 million xx thousand, I was caught up reading it the way it was written lol

Jonathan Smith

Oh right on, loving the episode!