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Hey ya'll these are probably the last headshot warm-ups I'll be doing for a while before I offer them for sale publicly (I will probably offer them up for $50 a piece!). I may try and do some fullbody warm up stuff in the future though and will probably bring back the headshot requests eventually, so don't worry if you haven't been able to grab one so far.

Speaking of, I think for this one, I will only take requests from those who haven't grabbed one yet (unless a day goes by and no one claims a slot haha). So if you've already gotten a free headshot, you gotta sit this one out! Everyone else, it's free game!

Comment below with a character ref and a few keywords for the expression!



If I can I'd love one! Ref: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/32484099/ Keywords: cheerful, sleepy


Hey, I'd go for one too Ref: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/39144024/ ; https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/alcitron/folder/886421/Harvor-Anthro-Gryphon Keywords: cocky, confident


I'm always one late! Haha, but just in case, I'll throw my hat in. 'Nother human boyo. Ref: https://toyhou.se/2634596.ikka Keywords: Laid back, confident, sleepy


Oh you were just a liiiittle to slow for this batch. I'll start with these two for today's commission batch, but If I need another I'll let you know!