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--------CLOSED! thankss!!!--------------

I'm having a lot of fun with these! I can also bust them out pretty fast too, i wonder if i should offer these on a commission basis as well? i cant think of an appropriate price tho... Maybe you guys could suggest a range for me? 😅  

I'll take 2 people this time, anyone is welcome to join except Noble and Prince for this round, just so others can get a chance this time, sorry guys;; 

Comment below with a character ref and a few keywords for the expression!



https://imgur.com/Bym6mCf maybe my yot ?? anything cocky or smug or prideful is cool for expression


I'd love to join ! :O https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/rainbowdash1x/folder/682528/Reference-Sheets Tpical stuff? Drool, cocky, tongue, fangs, maybe a crown on his head?


I'd like to throw in my kobold rogue Zokka as a choice! https://twitter.com/_Plive/status/1436414373069791254 and https://www.furaffinity.net/view/42703841/ for a better head close-up (nsfw). Maybe something like, hmm, happy and being cute and dorky with like a blep? (Also given the quality/speed of the headshots you've been doing for these warmups, mmmmaybe around ~$45-50? I can't say I recall what your current commission prices are for other things though, honestly! But that's probably what's best to go off of I'd say.)


I was thinking somewhere between $40 and 60, but I wasn't sure if that'd be too expensive for folks! I really appreciate you throwing a range out there, I may go with $50 and see if that works. Also, it looks like Rainboom beat you by a few minutes, but if I finish these two tonight, I can take your kobold as a warm up for tomorrow!


I have no idea for price range, but I do want to say I'd definitely purchase them! Shame I missed this round, :> these are always so lovely!