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John Kang

I'm so happy to rewatch this show, one of my favorites, along with you and everybody. I'm sure I'll think of more to chip in with but for now-- oh man, it's always a good sign when a show can move you with its characters who've only just started to develop. And I don't think it's a spoiler even now to say that the Deoksun and Bora sister relationship gets deeper alongside every other relationship in the show :)

John Kang

Also it can't be said enough how amazing Hyeri is at this part! I remember when this show was announced I had only a vague awareness of Girl's Day and was curious about how the "new" idol would do in an acting role, haha. Totally nails it!


Bora is low-key my favourite character in this show, but the whole cast is amazing and the show is my all-time favourite slice-of-life kdrama. Its just soooo good.