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Yes yes, I know Christmas is still very far away. Halloween hasn't even happened yet! But I would like to give everyone ample time to sign up for one or both of these projects. This will be available for purchase from now until December, or until all slots are filled, though all purchases I expect to be final. Only apply if you can afford it or are interested.

If you are purchasing a slot for another person, then please get their consent before hand. I know it ruins the surprise, but I have to ensure that everyone is in agreement. With that said~

It's Christmas Morning in the Burrito's household, and just above the cozy fireplace hangs three stockings. But instead of stuffing them full of candy, toys, or other goodies, this year Santa's filled them with three adorable diaper butts~ I mean, I don't have to take them down riiiight away ;3

Like the Reindeers themed piece, this one will be a set price for purchasing a slot. Only three this time, but I'm open to discuss how you want your character represented stuffed in the stocking.

Only three slots for this one, and they are gonna be first come, first serve. Each slot is going to be $100 usd and they'll be fully shaded with a full background.

Stocking 1 - Ralsei-ish

Stocking 2 - Omen

Stocking 3 - Clandestinewing



I'll claim a slot! :>


*Hesitant hand-raises...* One please!


I'll take the third slot >///<