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All updates will take place next month. If you are concerned about anything, please do not hesitate to message me.

Burrito Dinners will still be entitled to a sketch every month, or an upgrade to a previous reward. The upgrades will still follow this order; Sketch, Lineart, Color, Shading, Simple Background, Full Background. For rewards with multiple characters, each character will act as it's own reward, thus requiring separate months to upgrade.

Every three months non-cumulatively, Burrito Dinners will have access to an Immediate Upgrade. For $25 usd, you can instantly upgrade a piece one step. Every time after drops the price down to a flat $15 usd. You will also be able to use the Immediate Upgrade to add a second character to a current or previous reward if you desire. However, I would like to be made aware of when you intend to include multiple characters to a single reward, so that I can take that into account when constructing the piece.

Pamper prints are allowed but only on the color phase and only simple colors/patterns. We will decide on a case-by-case basis what is acceptable, but I will no longer be designing diapers on rewards of my own accord. You will have to specify beforepaw. If you can deal with a plain white diaper, then I would appreciate it.

Posing and props are still going to be decided on a case-by-case basis. Generally one prop is acceptable, anything more will require consideration at that time.

I have shaded my sketches for the past year or so, but moving forward, I will only be shading sketches that are not being upgraded, or are not planned to be upgraded. If you only like getting sketches, then I want them to be as good as I can make them. But if you are going to get it upgraded, then there's no sense in spending the time adding some shading for what amounts to no gain.

You will be allowed one or two changes for your rewards, but any more than that will be disregarded. I want to make sure you are all happy with your rewards, but not if it ends up interfering with my work flow for others.

Combining rewards will still be an option, but only with other Burrito Dinner supporters. Collaboration between Tex Mex Buffet supporters overcomplicates the process, and disrupts my work flow by forcing me to consider how to go about dividing the work fairly.

Birthday rewards are still going to be a thing moving forward, though it is still up to you to tell me when your Bday is approaching and what you want for it. I'm no mind reader, so help me out there. If you missed it, sorry to say, but there's nothing I can do.

And I believe that is for Burrito Dinners. I'll be opening 3 - 5 more slots next month, so be on the lookout for that if you want to snag one, and in the meanwhile, I'll see you guys around ^^ Here, have a new giraffe OC I'm working on~



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